Physician Associate, Heidi Medcalf, PA-C

CEO & Founder Dallas Medicine & Aesthetics

Heidi Medcalf, PA-C, is a trailblazer in the medical aesthetics industry and the visionary behind Dallas Medicine & Aesthetics, where she serves as Founder and CEO. Highly regarded by her peers, Heidi is recognized for her pioneering work in medical, sexual health, and aesthetic research, particularly in the use of biologics like Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for aesthetics, sexual wellness, and musculoskeletal treatments. Located in Frisco, Texas, near the prestigious Star, her practice serves as a hub for both private patients and medical professionals seeking advanced training.

In addition to her clinical practice, Heidi owns and operates the Dallas Medicine & Aesthetics Training Academy, a leading educational institution offering specialized training to Physicians, Physician Associates, Nurse Practitioners, and Nurses. With a strong commitment to advancing the medical aesthetics field, the Academy provides comprehensive courses on cutting-edge procedures, including Neurotoxins, Dermal Fillers, PDO Threads, Vampire Facial®, Vampire Facelift®, Vampire Hair Restoration®, O-Shot®, Clitoxin®, P-Shot 100®, PRP Joint Injections, and more.

Heidi’s expertise is further highlighted by her role as a national instructor and esteemed faculty member for the Cellular Medicine Association and Aesthetic Management Partners. Having trained under Dr. Charles Runels, the inventor of the revolutionary Vampire® procedures, Heidi is a recognized authority on these treatments and regularly educates medical professionals on the latest techniques. Her mastery of these advanced procedures ensures that her trainees and patients receive the highest standard of care.

Beyond her role as an educator, Heidi is the President of the Dallas and Tarrant County PA Society and has been a sought-after speaker for several pharmaceutical and medical device companies. Her leadership in the field is marked by her involvement in numerous speaker bureaus, where she lectures on innovative medical technologies and cutting-edge treatments.

Under Heidi’s leadership, Dallas Medicine & Aesthetics Training Academy partners with prominent industry leaders such as Allergan®, Galderma®, Regen Labs PRP®, EZ Gel®, and Les Encres® PDO Threads. These partnerships ensure that students have access to the latest products, supplies, and equipment, fostering an optimal learning environment. The Academy is dedicated not only to providing the clinical skills necessary for success but also to equipping students with the business knowledge required to establish and grow their own practices.

With a passion for advancing both medical aesthetics and patient care, Heidi Medcalf, PA-C, continues to shape the future of the industry as an educator, innovator, and leader.