What Are The Symptoms of Low Testosterone?

Testosterone is a critical sex hormone in our bodies that helps build muscle, burn fat, maintain erections, increase libido, and more. But when your testosterone levels start to decline, whether it be because of age or external factors, the symptoms start to appear. If you notice any of the following symptoms, you may be a candidate for Testosterone Replacement Therapy:

  • Lack of motivation and drive

  • Athletic performance decline

  • Muscle loss and decreased muscle strength

  • Weight gain and belly fat

  • Constant fatigue/ lack of energy

  • Lack of focus and concentration

  • Low sex drive

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Poor sleep

  • Joint pain

  • Crabby/irritable

  • Brain Fog

  • Erectile dysfunction

What Are The Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)?

  • Restored confidence

  • Improved relationships

  • Improved job performance and work relationships

  • Regain the desire for sex and intimacy

  • Increased energy

  • Renewed motivation and drive

  • Better workouts and recovery

  • Improved muscle mass and strength

  • Decreased weight and belly fat

  • Improved cardiovascular health

  • Better concentration and focus

  • Improvements in erectile dysfunction

  • Overall health improvement, reducing or eliminating the need for pharmaceutical treatments

Testosterone Pellets

What are Testosterone Pellets?

Testosterone pellets, also known as testosterone implants, are a form of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) used to address testosterone deficiency in men as well as women. These pellets consist of bio-identical testosterone compressed into small cylindrical pellets, typically about the size of a grain of rice.

Once inserted, the pellets gradually release testosterone into the bloodstream over a period of several months. This sustained release mimics the natural pattern of testosterone production in the body, providing a steady supply of the hormone to alleviate symptoms of low testosterone. Testosterone pellets offer several advantages over other forms of testosterone replacement therapy, including convenience, consistency, and long-lasting effects. With testosterone pellets, individuals can experience improved energy levels, mood, libido, and overall well-being, helping them reclaim vitality and quality of life.

How are testosterone pellets administered?

A short, simple procedure is performed in our office to implant the pellets under the skin, usually near your hip. These pellets are a long-acting form of testosterone therapy. They should deliver a stable, steady dose of testosterone, typically providing the needed level of hormone for 4-6 months.

Testosterone Injections

How are testosterone injections given?

Testosterone Cypionate is injected into a muscle. The injection is given 1-2 times per week. The dosage & schedule will depend on the lab values and the patient’s symptoms.