Unlock Your Full Potential with Our Comprehensive Men's Health Services and Procedures

We Offer: Testosterone/Peptides/P-Shot®/P-Shot 100®/Medical Weight Loss

Welcome to Dallas Medicine & Aesthetics, where we specialize in optimizing men's health to help you achieve peak performance and vitality. Led by our expert team, we understand that men's health is multifaceted, requiring a comprehensive approach tailored to each individual.

Our Approach to Men's Health

At Dallas Medicine & Aesthetics, we believe in harnessing the power of various treatments that work synergistically to optimize your health. Whether you're looking to enhance your energy levels, improve muscle mass, or revitalize your overall well-being, we have the tools and expertise to help you reach your goals.

Our Services

  1. Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT): Testosterone is a key hormone that plays a crucial role in men's health, affecting everything from muscle mass to libido. Our TRT program is designed to restore optimal testosterone levels, helping you regain vitality and vigor.

  2. Peptide Therapy: Peptides are small proteins that can have profound effects on various aspects of health, including promoting muscle growth, improving sleep quality, and enhancing immune function. Our peptide therapy protocols are tailored to address your specific needs and goals.

  3. P-Shot® & the P-100 Toxin®: These innovative treatments harness the power of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and other natural substances to enhance sexual performance and treat erectile dysfunction. The P-Shot® and P-100 Toxin® are safe, non-invasive procedures that can help you regain confidence and satisfaction in the bedroom.

  4. Medical Weight Loss: Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is essential for overall health and well-being. Our medical weight loss programs are customized to your unique metabolism and lifestyle, providing you with the support and guidance you need to reach your weight loss goals safely and effectively.

Personalized Care

At Dallas Medicine & Aesthetics, we understand that every individual is unique, which is why we take a personalized approach to men's health. We begin with a thorough lab review to assess your current health status and identify any underlying issues that may be impacting your well-being. Based on this assessment, we develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Experience the Difference

Are you ready to unlock your full potential and reclaim your vitality? Schedule a consultation with our experts at Dallas Medicine & Aesthetics today. Together, we'll work towards optimizing your health and helping you live your best life.

The “normal” or healthy level of testosterone in the bloodstream varies widely, depending on thyroid function, protein status, and other factors.

According to recent guidelines from the American Urological Association (AUA), a testosterone level of at least 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) is normal for a man. A man with a testosterone level below 300 ng/dL should be diagnosed with low testosterone.

The indication of testosterone-replacement therapy (TRT) treatment requires the presence of low testosterone level, and signs and symptoms of hypogonadism. Hypogonadism is a common condition, but is often underdiagnosed and undertreated. The most easily recognized clinical signs of relative androgen deficiency in men are a decrease in muscle mass and strength, a decrease in bone mass and osteoporosis, and an increase in central body fat. Symptoms can include a decrease in libido and sexual desire, forgetfulness, loss of memory, anemia, difficulty in concentration, insomnia, and a decreased sense of well-being. This condition may result in significant detriment to quality of life and adversely affect the function of multiple organ systems. TRT may produce a wide range of benefits for men with hypogonadism that include improvement in libido and sexual function, bone density, muscle mass, body composition, mood, erythropoiesis, cognition, quality of life and, can be protective against cardiovascular disease.

Testosterone Pellets

What are testosterone pellets?

Testosterone pellets are a form of hormone replacement therapy. They are about the size of a grain of rice, and a medical provider will implant them under the skin. These pellets contain crystallized testosterone and deliver a steady, low dose of this hormone to the individual for up to 4-6 months at a time.

What Are The Symptoms of Low Testosterone?

Testosterone is a critical sex hormone in our bodies that helps build muscle, burn fat, maintain erections, increase libido, and more. But when your testosterone levels start to decline, whether it be because of age or external factors, the symptoms start to appear. If you notice any of the following symptoms, you may be a candidate for Testosterone Replacement Therapy:

  • Lack of motivation and drive

  • Athletic performance decline

  • Muscle loss and decreased muscle strength

  • Weight gain and belly fat

  • Constant fatigue/ lack of energy

  • Lack of focus and concentration

  • Low sex drive

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Poor sleep

  • Joint pain

  • Crabby/irritable

  • Brain Fog

  • Erectile dysfunction

What Are The Benefits of TRT?

When patients start TRT, they typically begin to see results in two to three months with optimal results after six months of therapy.

Benefits of TRT may include:

  • Restored confidence

  • Improved relationships

  • Improved job performance and work relationships

  • Regain the desire for sex and intimacy

  • Increased energy

  • Renewed motivation and drive

  • Better workouts and recovery

  • Improved muscle mass and strength

  • Decreased weight and belly fat

  • Improved cardiovascular health

  • Better concentration and focus

  • Improvements in erectile dysfunction

  • Overall health improvement, reducing or eliminating the need for pharmaceutical treatments

How are testosterone pellets administered?

A short, simple procedure is performed in our office to implant the pellets under the skin, usually near your hip. These pellets are a long-acting form of testosterone therapy. They should deliver a stable, steady dose of testosterone, typically providing the needed level of hormone for 4-6 months.

Testosterone Injections

How are testosterone injections given?

Testosterone is injected into a muscle. The injection is usually given every 2 to 4 weeks. Testosterone injections should be given only by a healthcare professional. Misuse can lead to serious side effects or death. The dosage will depend on the lab values and the patient’s symptoms.


What are peptides?

Peptides are short-chain amino acids found naturally in the body. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and these particular amino acids are designed to augment specific functions within the human body.

Therapy with peptides uses those sequences already present to regulate and rejuvenate functions, basically, they bind to and tell other cells what to do, replacing or mimicking the functions of naturally occurring peptides. Peptides have the capability to rewrite body chemistry relationships to promote restoration, anabolism, and homeostasis.

Sermorelin (peptide) supports natural HGH production which is essential for overall cell regeneration and cell reproduction, leading to improved vitality, cognitive function, and overall anti-aging benefits. Sermorelin is a well-tolerated and safe way to increase your natural production of human growth hormone. And since it is a growth hormone secretagogue (which naturally increases your own natural growth hormone production instead of replacing it), it’s a much safer option than synthetic HGH.

What Are The Benefits of Sermorelin?

  • Increased lean body mass

  • Body fat reduction

  • Improved energy and vitality

  • Increased endurance and strength

  • Accelerated wound healing

  • Improved immune function

  • Improved cardiovascular function

  • Improved sleep

How is Sermorelin given?

Sermorelin is administered subcutaneously daily by the patient.

When Can I Expect To See Results?

While patients will notice some significant increases in changes in the body after the first month, the full-benefits are usually fully noticed after three to six months of therapy.

Month 1

  • Increased energy

  • Improved stamina

  • Deeper, more restful sleep

Month 2

  • Improved skin, reduced wrinkles

  • Stronger nails and hair

  • Increased metabolism

Month 3

  • Enhanced performance

  • Improved mental focus

  • Improved joint health

Month 4

  • Continued weight reduction

  • Improved skin elasticity

  • Increased lean muscle mass

Month 5

  • Noticeably fuller and healthier hair

  • Reduced appearance of wrinkles, better skin tone

  • Continued reduction in belly fat

Month 6

  • 5-10% reduction in body fat (without exercise/diet)

  • 10% increase in lean muscle mass

  • Improved vitality due to organ regrowth

What is the P-Shot®

The P-Shot® is drug and surgery free. It takes approximately 45 minutes from start to finish in order to complete the procedure. Initial benefit is usually observed within 4-7 days following the procedure and improvement continues for a period of 1-2 months.  The benefits are expected to last a minimum of one year. We use only the highest quality PRP recovery technology which delivers more than 2 ½ times the quantity of platelets and growth factors thereby delivering the most benefit to our patients.

The P-Shot®, short for Priapus Shot®, is a revolutionary treatment for men designed to enhance sexual performance and treat erectile dysfunction (ED) using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. The procedure involves drawing a small amount of blood from the patient, typically from the arm, which is then processed to extract platelets and growth factors. These concentrated platelets are rich in healing properties and are injected into specific areas of the penis to stimulate tissue regeneration and increase blood flow.

PRP contains growth factors and other bioactive substances that promote tissue regeneration and repair. When injected into the penis, PRP stimulates the growth of new blood vessels and tissue, improving blood flow and increasing sensitivity. This can lead to firmer, longer-lasting erections and enhanced sexual satisfaction.

One of the key benefits of the P-Shot is its ability to provide a natural and non-surgical solution for ED. Unlike oral medications or invasive procedures, the P-Shot harnesses the body's own healing mechanisms to improve sexual function. Additionally, since PRP is derived from the patient's own blood, there is minimal risk of allergic reactions or side effects.

Beyond addressing ED, the P-Shot may also have other benefits for men's sexual health, including increased libido, improved sensation, and enhanced orgasm intensity. Furthermore, some men report improvements in urinary incontinence and overall penile health after undergoing the P-Shot procedure.

Overall, the P-Shot offers men a safe, effective, and natural solution for enhancing sexual performance and reclaiming confidence in the bedroom. By promoting tissue regeneration and improving blood flow to the penis, the P-Shot can help men of all ages enjoy a healthier and more fulfilling sex life.

The benefits of the P-Shot extend beyond just addressing ED. This innovative treatment can also improve overall sexual function and satisfaction, increase penile sensitivity, and enhance the size and strength of erections. In addition to seeing improvements in sexual performance most men with also establish an increase in penile length and girth of up to 1 ½ inches after having the P-Shot. Additionally, the P-Shot has been shown to promote tissue regeneration and improve the health of penile tissue, leading to long-lasting results. With the P-Shot, men can experience renewed confidence and enjoyment in their sexual experiences, ultimately improving their quality of life and relationships.

The P-Shot®, or Priapus Shot®, has shown promising benefits for men suffering from Peyronie's disease, a condition characterized by the development of fibrous scar tissue inside the penis, leading to curvature, pain, and erectile dysfunction. While research on the use of the P-Shot specifically for Peyronie's disease is still evolving, the procedure's mechanism of action suggests several potential benefits:

  1. Improvement in Penile Curvature: Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), the key component of the P-Shot, contains growth factors and other bioactive substances that promote tissue regeneration and repair. When injected into the affected areas of the penis, PRP may help break down the fibrous scar tissue responsible for penile curvature, leading to straighter erections and improved sexual function.

  2. Reduction in Pain: Peyronie's disease can cause significant discomfort and pain during erections. The regenerative properties of PRP may help alleviate pain by reducing inflammation and promoting healing within the penile tissues.

  3. Enhanced Erectile Function: By promoting tissue regeneration and improving blood flow to the penis, the P-Shot may also improve erectile function in men with Peyronie's disease. This can lead to firmer, more sustainable erections and improved sexual performance.

  4. Minimal Side Effects: Since PRP is derived from the patient's own blood, there is minimal risk of allergic reactions or adverse side effects associated with the P-Shot. This makes it a safe and attractive option for men seeking non-surgical treatments for Peyronie's disease.

While individual results may vary, many men with Peyronie's disease have reported positive outcomes and improvements in their symptoms after undergoing the P-Shot procedure. As with any medical treatment, it's essential to consult with a qualified healthcare provider to determine if the P-Shot is suitable for your specific condition and needs.

P-SHow is the P-Shot 100® Different From The P-Shot?

The P-Shot 100 differs from the standard P-Shot® because it combines the P-Shot® with Botox (called Bocox®). 

Botox, a neuromodulator made of botulinum toxin type A, temporarily blocks communication between nerve endings and specific muscles. It has been used for decades to treat numerous medical and aesthetic concerns, such as wrinkles, hyperhidrosis, and migraines. 

However, in recent years, muscle relaxers, such as Botox, have been combined with PRP treatments to correct sexual dysfunction. Bocox can relax the smooth muscle and help the penis fill with blood adequately providing stronger erections.

What To Expect From Treatment?

In a P-Shot® 100 treatment, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is extracted from your own blood. We take a small amount of your blood, like in a blood test, which is then spun at a high frequency within a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma. This PRP contains essential growth factors that help to stimulate cell regeneration in the penis. 

The PRP is then injected into your penis, along with Botox (Bocox). This might sound uncomfortable, but the whole procedure is done under local anaesthetic, so little to no pain is experienced.

At Dallas Medicine & Aesthetics, we use a specific FDA Approved centrifuge and proprietary gel kits for PRP collection with skilled injection techniques to give the best possible results to our patients.

How Does P-Shot 100 Work? 

By improving the blood supply and triggering tissue regeneration, patients notice an increase in the ability to get an erection and the ability to maintain the firmness of erections within a short period of time. 

Many men who have previously used erectile dysfunction medications find that they won’t have to use any at all, or they will have reduced the dose needed substantially.

Here are just some of the benefits you can experience after having a P-Shot 100®.

  • Fuller, firmer erections.

  • Improved sexual capabilities. 

  • Enhanced appearance.

  • Increased blood flow and circulation.

  • Increase in sexual stamina – maintaining a longer and more fulfilling sex life.


Is P-Shot 100 Right For You?

If you’re struggling with erectile dysfunction and would like to find out if this treatment would be suitable for you, then the first thing you need to do is book a telemedicine consultation.

At Dallas Medicine & Aesthetics, discreet consultations are held in our office in Frisco, TX.

During your consultation, you will speak to Heidi Medcalf, PA-C a specialist in sexual health and wellness with over 20 years of experience, as a PA.

Here, you’ll be able to ask any questions you might have and discuss in greater detail what you want to achieve with your P-Shot 100® treatment. 

**The proprietor of our establishment is not only a Physician Associate but also holds a distinguished position as a faculty teaching member for a range of groundbreaking procedures, including the P-Shot®, O-Shot®, Vampire Hair Restoration, Vampire Facial®, Vampire Facelift®, and Vampire Breast Lift®. Her expertise in these innovative techniques stems from intensive training under the guidance of Dr. Charles Runels, MD, the esteemed inventor of the Vampire® Procedures, whose endorsement she proudly bears. Recognized as a national trainer and esteemed faculty member for the Cellular Medicine Association, her commitment to excellence and proficiency in these cutting-edge procedures ensures top-tier care and results for our valued patient clientele.**